The Commission meeting will be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. Citizens may view the meeting through their own sign in or by signing in “anonymously”. Please follow this link: https://bit.ly/3LRaY8E. If you wish to participate in the discussion of any item, please call (620) 793-1800 for instructions.
Agenda Meeting, April 2, 9 a.m. Until Close
A. Call Meeting to Order.
B. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
C. Consider Approval of the Agenda.
D. Minutes of the March 26, 2024, Regular Meeting and the March 29, 2024, Special Meeting will not be available.
E. Any citizen wishing to make statements during the discussion of any item must first be recognized by the Commission Chair. After being recognized, that person should state their name and the name of any organization represented. Statements should be limited to five minutes.
F. Please silence all phones and electronic devices. Recording the meeting is allowed and the Commission requests that anyone using special recording equipment be seated in the back row to avoid creating a distraction during the meeting.
II. OLD BUSINESS - Items tabled, or scheduled, from previous Commission Meetings, will be heard at this time.
-There is no Old Business at this time.
III. NEW BUSINESS - All new business to be considered by the Commission will be heard at this time.
A. PROCLAMATION 2024-02: World Autism Acceptance Month:
-Ros Neeland, Chairman of the Autism Committee, Autism Workshop, Pilot Club, will provide details. World Autism Acceptance Day is recognized on April 2 by Presidential proclamation in the United States of America. Autism is a complex, lifelong developmental disability affecting over five million young people and adults. This Proclamation calls for knowledge and acceptance as it allows people to understand how to be more inclusive and build better, more supportive experiences.
B. PROCLAMATION 2024-03: Sexual Assault Awareness Month:
-Aimee Norris, Domestic and Sexual Violence Center Program Director for the Family Crisis Center, Inc., will present the Proclamation. April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month to raise public awareness about sexual violence and to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence. The Family Crisis Center provides services for sexual assault survivors at no charge and offers educational and professional training for community members and professionals.
C. PROCLAMATION 2024-04: Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month:
-Saylem Ryff, Child Advocacy Center Program Director, will present details. The Family Crisis Center and Kansas Children’s Service League requests that a Proclamation be adopted declaring April, 2024, as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. The Proclamation states that child abuse and neglect can be reduced by making sure families have the support needed to raise children in a healthy environment and that there are dedicated individuals and organizations in Barton County working to counter these problems.
D. PROCLAMATION 2024-05: National Public Health Week:
-Karen Winkelman, Public Health Director, will present details. The week of April 1 – 7, 2024, is National Public Health Week and the 2024 theme is “Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health”. The proposed Proclamation declares that public health gives all citizens the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest, with good health, local resources and an environment that values each segment of our population. It also recognizes the efforts of our public health professionals, the Health Department Advisory Committee as well as all partners collaborating with public health in reaching citizens to ensure better preventive habits and longer, healthier lives.
E. RESOLUTION 2024-13: Application for Approval of a Conditional Land Use Permit for a Described Tract of Land:
-Judy Goreham, Environmental Manager, will provide details. Bronson Smith and Grant Moon, dba ILS Land, LLC aka Mid America Seed, wish to expand their business and develop an agricultural retail facility on land recently purchased at 528 SW 30 Road, Great Bend, Kansas. The site is zoned Agricultural District and an Agricultural Related Business is a conditionally permitted use in this zoning district. A Public Hearing was held on March 14, 2024, to consider the request. The Barton County Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the Barton County Commissioners approve this request.
F. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Request for Proposals – Crowdstrike Endpoint Protection:
-Dereck Hollingshead, Information Technology Director, will provide details. Beginning March 6, 2024, the Information Technology Department began accepting proposals for Crowdstrike Endpoint Protection software for all County owned computers and servers. This included 280 computers and servers needing active endpoint protection through the Enterprise bundle, to include the following modules: Falcon Prevent, Falcon Insight, Overwatch, Firewall Management, Spotlight, Threat Graph and Express Support. Five proposals were received.
G. COUNTY ENGINEER: Kansas Department of Transportation High Risk Rural Roads Project No. 5 C-5265-01:
-Barry McManaman, County Engineer, will provide details. Barton County was awarded Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) High Risk Rural Roads Project No. 5 C-5265-01 which involves signing improvements in the southwest part of the County. KDOT will pay for 100% of the design, construction and inspection costs. Barton County will pay 100% of the costs of right of way and utility adjustments, if needed. KDOT has requested the County’s approval of this agreement. A separate 3-party agreement for the design work will be processed at a later date.
-Chairman Barb Esfeld will present. Any Commissioner may make a motion for the board to recess to executive session at this time as allowed by K.S.A. 75-4319. Any motion must contain the justification for the executive session, the subject matter to be discussed, any individuals in addition to the board who will attend the executive session and the time at which the regular session shall resume.
IV. ENDING BUSINESS – After new items are heard by the Commission, the following items, including announcements, will be heard.
-Following the close of the Agenda Meeting, the Commission will consider the authorization of personnel changes for classified positions, sign any documentation approved during the agenda meeting or sign any other documentation required for regular County business. Similar action may take place throughout the day.
-County officials, individually or in groups, may visit the Courthouse or those buildings being used for displaced Courthouse offices during the HVAC improvement project. With the Courthouse located at 1400 Main, other buildings being used for housing are 1520 Main and 1709 Main, Great Bend, Kansas.
-County officials have been invited to attend the South Central Kansas Association of Commissioners and Engineers (SKACE), District 5, meeting at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, April 4, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Stafford County Courthouse Annex, 210 E 3rd Ave., St. John, Kansas.
-Although subject to change, the following appointments have been scheduled:
10:00 a.m. or following the close of the Agenda Meeting – Program Update – Brenda Kaiser, Human Resource Director.
10:15 a.m. – Program Update – Brooke Haulmark, CKCC Director.
10:45 a.m. – Regular Business Discussion – Matt Patzner, County Administrator.
THE COUNTY EDITION, KVGB-AM – Thursdays at 11:05 a.m. Sheriff Brian Bellendir is scheduled for April 4, 2024.
A. Discussion Items.
B. Citizens or organizations may present requests or proposals for initial consideration.
C. The Commissioners are available to the Public on Tuesdays during regular business hours.
D. One or more Commissioners may be present in the Commission Chambers conducting county business throughout the day on Tuesdays.
E. The Commissioners may, individually, schedule personal appointments related to County business at their discretion.
F. The next Regular Meeting will be at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 9, 2024.