Jan 31, 2020

Great Bend Panthers take down 2nd Ranked Garden City 46-33

Posted Jan 31, 2020 11:32 AM
Great Bend 46 Garden City 33
Great Bend 46 Garden City 33

The Great Bend Panthers are one step closer to winning the Western Athletic Conference Wrestling Championship after defeating the 2nd ranked team in Class 6A Garden City 46-33 Thursday night in Garden.

The Panthers, ranked 4th in Class 5A, will remain in Garden City for the Rocky Welton Invitational that begins Friday and runs through Saturday.

Great Bend 46 Garden City 33

126: Drew Liles (GRBE) over Ryan Heiman (GACI) (MD 9-0)

132: Sebastian Rodriguez (GACI) over Toby West (GRBE) (Fall 0:47)

138: George Weber (GRBE) over Erick Dominguez (GACI) (Fall 3:15)

145: Gage Fritz (GRBE) over Ben Dunlap (GACI) (Fall 3:46)

152: Josh Janas (GACI) over Owen Ridgeway (GRBE) (Fall 5:01)

160: Alex Randolph (GRBE) over Jared Arellano (GACI) (Fall 4:33)

170: Alexavier Rodriguez (GACI) over (GRBE) (For.)

182: Eli Witte (GRBE) over Alan Chairez (GACI) (Fall 1:30)

195: Ryan Wessels (GACI) over (GRBE) (For.)

220: Ever Chavez (GRBE) over Isaiah Barrett (GACI) (Fall 1:29)

285: Kevin Miramontes (GRBE) over (GACI) (For.)

106: Kaden Spragis (GRBE) over Gael Terrazas (GACI) (Fall 1:38)

113: Alex Hands (GACI) over Brantley Baldwin (GRBE) (Fall 5:00)

120: Silas Pineda (GACI) over Wyatt Weber (GRBE) (SV-1 2-0)