Nov 23, 2023

Great Bend zoo remains with Dr. Malone for vet services

Posted Nov 23, 2023 3:00 PM
The City of Great Bend approved a one-year contract with Dr. Mike Malone for their veterinarian services at the Brit Spaugh Zoo.
The City of Great Bend approved a one-year contract with Dr. Mike Malone for their veterinarian services at the Brit Spaugh Zoo.

Great Bend Post

For the last couple of years, the City of Great Bend has been approving a contract with their veterinarian used for the animals at the Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo. Dr. Mike Malone, with Animal Care Hospital, has handled the zoo’s vet needs for 43 years.

Knowing that Malone is considering retiring in the near future, City Administrator Brandon Anderson recommended a one-year contract for Malone’s services at the zoo.

"I do think Dr. Malone has done a good job and stayed within the budget," said Anderson. "I know this is an item in the future we probably need to figure out a better way of sourcing this out, possibly hire a contract vet or bidding this out. I would definitely want to look to bid this out in a longer-term situation."

Anderson reached out to another local veterinarian whom mentioned his vets could also handle the work. The Great Bend City Council approved the one-year contract agreement with Malone.

Zoo Curator Ashley Burdick said both Malone and Dr. Jackie Corhert have a great relationship with zoo staff and the animals.

"There's Dr. Malone and also Dr. Jackie Corhert comes out a lot too," said Burdick. "With the Clouded Leopards, we had an injury where the female was pulling out sutures. Dr. Jackie came in at 2 a.m. and helped us do a surgery. We do really love them. They do a great job."

The 2024 budget allocates $110,000 to medical and lab services at the zoo.