Feb 21, 2021

Barton County Commission agenda (Feb. 22)

Posted Feb 21, 2021 5:00 PM

The Commission meeting will be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. Citizens may view the meeting through their own sign-in or by signing in “anonymously”. Please follow this link: https://bit.ly/356BqWQ. If you wish to participate in the discussion of any item, please call (620) 793-1800 for instructions.

Agenda Meeting
February 22, 2021
9 a.m. Until Close  

A. Call Meeting to Order.
B. Roll Call taken by County Clerk.
C. Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
D. Consider Approval of the Agenda.
E. Consider the minutes of the February 16, 2021, Regular Meeting. 
F. Any citizen wishing to make statements during the discussion of any item must first be recognized by the Commission Chair. After being recognized, that person should state their name and the name of any organization represented. Statements should be limited to five minutes.
G. Cell phones and other electronic devices, other than those used by the media and law enforcement, should be shut off.  

II. OLD BUSINESS - Items tabled, or scheduled, from previous Commission
-There is no Old Business at this time.  

III. NEW BUSINESS - All new business to be considered by the Commission will be heard at this time.
A. COUNTY CLER'S OFFICE: Request for Approval - Added/ Abated/ Escaped/ Refunded Taxes:

-Bev Schmeidler, Deputy County Clerk, will present a listing of Added/ Abated/ Escaped/ Refunded Taxes. Orders for these actions are kept on file in the County Clerk's Office. These are used to correct assessments and are requested by the County Appraiser's Office or the County Clerk's Office.    

B. RESOLUTION 2021-5: Placement of Stop Signs at the Intersection of SW 60 Road and SW 20 Avenue, Liberty and South Bend Townships:
-The proposed Resolution calls for the placement of stop signs at the intersection of SW 60 Road and SW 20 Avenue, Liberty and South Bend Townships. Barry McManaman, County Engineer, conducted an engineering study and determined that the sight distance is limited by an oilfield tank better and a row of trees. The Commission will be asked to consider adoption of the Resolution.  

C. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Champ Software - KS Nightingale Notes Subscription:   
-Electronic medical records (EMR) are the digital equivalent of paper records or charts at a health provider's office. In December, 2017, the Commission approved the purchase of Nightingale Notes Electronic Health Records and first-year subscription from Champ Software. At this time, the Health Department has received a billing of $25,585 from Champ Software for the annual subscription of 21 named licenses. Karen Winkleman, Health Director, will provide details.  

IV. ENDING BUSINESS – After new items are heard by the Commission, the following items, including announcements, will be heard.

-Following the close of the Agenda Meeting, the Commission will consider the authorization of personnel changes for classified positions, sign any documentation approved during the agenda meeting, or sign any other documentation required for regular County business. Similar actions may take place throughout the day.
-The Commission has been incited to attend the Hoisington Chamber of Commerce 64th Annual Banquet Drive-Thru Soup Dinner on Monday, February 8, 2021. The drive-thru event, held at 1101 N Vine, Hoisington, Kansas, runs from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. 
-It is anticipated that one or more Commissioners may attend Barton County Health Department COVID vaccine clinics at the times and dates announced by the Health Department. Clinics are typically held at the Barton County Fairgrounds Exp III Building,  455 W. Barton County Road, Great Bend, Kansas.

Although subject to change, the following appointments have been scheduled:
9:45 a.m. or following the close of the Agenda Meeting - Program Update - Barry McManaman, County Engineer.
10:00 a.m. – Telecommunications Towers, three - Judy Goreham, Environmental Manager.
10:30 a.m. - Program Update - Donna Krug, Cottonwood Extension District. This will be followed by a walk-through of the Extension Offices.
11:30 a.m. - Regular Business Discussion - Phil Hathcock, County Administrator, and Donna Zimmerman, County Clerk. 

THE COUNTY EDITION, KVGB-AM – Thursdays at 11:05 a.m. Wendy Prosser, County Appraiser, is scheduled for February 25, 2021.

A. Discussion Items.
B. Citizens or organizations may present requests or proposals for initial consideration.
C. The Commissioners are available to the Public on Mondays during regular business hours.
D. The Commissioners may, individually, schedule personal appointments related to County business at their discretion.
E. The next Regular Meeting will be at 9:00 a.m., Monday, March 1, 2021.