RUSSELL - The man who was shot in Russell Monday afternoon has died, according to the Russell Police Department.
The 45-year-old victim, now identified as Cecil Aldridge of Russell, succumbed to his injuries Tuesday at approximately 9 a.m. in a Wichita hospital where he was flown from Russell Regional Hospital.
Around 11:00 a.m., officers received information that the suspect, Shane Slack, was back at his residence in the 1300 block of N. Fossil Street, Russell. Officers began to monitor the area for confirmation of Slack’s location, according to a news release.
At 1:21 p.m., a woman requested EMS respond to that residence where she said her son was having a medical emergency. Officers made entry into the home and located Slack. He was taken into custody without incident.
The case is still under investigation, and a preliminary case has been sent to the Russell County Attorney for his review.
The Russell Police Department has requested the assistance of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI)