Oct 21, 2024

Great Bend City Council meeting agenda (10/21)

Posted Oct 21, 2024 12:00 AM

Great Bend City Council meeting
Oct. 21  -  6:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers


Opening: Pledge of Allegiance

A. Consent agenda

B. Old business

C. Recognition of visitors and announcements
   The public is free to comment on items not listed on the agenda. Comments should be limited to three minutes.

D. New business

   1. Councilmember reports

   2. Administrator's update

   3. Abatements

   4. Lot-tie agreements
      A lot-tie agreement is being presented after consideration by the Planning Commission to allow property owners to merge smaller lots into a larger lot for zoning purposes. The merger of lots would allow for property owners to merge the smaller lots into a larger lot and allow them to add buildable area to their property. A motion will be presented to adopt an ordinance allowing lot-tie agreements.

   5. Public hearing - Creation of Great Bend STAR Bond District
      In conjunction with the proposed hotel and restaurants at 3017 10th Street, the City of Great Bend and Great Bend Economic Development have been working with the state of Kansas on a proposed STAR Bond project at the Great Bend Expo Complex. The work to take place may include, but not limited to, improvements to the dragstrip including increased seating capacity and additional amenities, a livestock arena, a banquet hall with four multi-purpose courts for sporting events, an amphitheater, improvements to the existing rodeo grounds, and an additional hangar/restaurant. Following the public hearing, a motion will be presented to adopt the ordinance establishing the STAR Bond District.

   6. Solar regulations
      On Sept. 30, the Great Bend Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider proposed solar regulations within the 3-mile zoning jurisdiction of Great Bend. The regulations were discussed with the public. The city council held a work session Oct. 7 to go over the proposed regulations. A motion will be presented to send the ordinance back to the Planning Commission with new suggested language.

   7. Executive session
      An executive session has been requested to discuss deemed privileged in the attorney-client relation. The session will seek legal advice for pending legal matters.
