For Sale
-Farm fresh eggs 792-7074
-6 dining room chairs. $5.00 each/Glass chandelier $25.00/Old TV’s to give away. 791-7175
-Queen mattress. No stains or spots. Has always had a plastic cover. $100.00 793-5108
-Kitchen table with two wings. 60-inches long by 38-inches wide./Calf halter. Leather and adjustable. 617-7983.
-Dog crate $25.00
-3 drawer file cabinet. Heavy duty. 793-2886.
-2 concrete forms 10x4 with stakes included. $20.00 727-7036
-Wood kitchen table. 617-6642
-Couch and love seat for sale. $20.00 each. 923-5432
-Trailer for sale. 77-inches wide. 12- feet long. 792-9717
-4 tires. 225-60R-16/2-inch receiver hitch with ball (pair) 566-7074
-Canon heavy duty copier 1025 Image Runner. Gently used. $495. 282-3586
-Set of 3 pottery bowls. $50.00. 793-8367
-5x8 tan shag area rug $25.00/Cedar shelf unit 25x12x48 inches $35.00/Animated deer head that speaks $60.00
-2004 Chevy Impala $300.00 910-7474
-Garlic seed for sale. 797-0159
-1987 Lindy motor home. 27-foot long with generator. $4,000.00 292-1241
-Oak glider rocker with cushions. 792-9710 or see at 3212 18th Street Great Bend.
-Remington 870 Express 12-guage shot gun. $200.00 786-0963
-3 Black and Decker battery operated weedeaters. 785-623-8804
-Black car luggage carrier. 791-7146.
-Craftsman 20-inch lawnmower. Needs some work. 282-0795
Looking for
-Used riding lawnmowers or push mowers. 785-650-9721
Give away
-Bass boat/Calico kittens. 639-1770