Aug 10, 2024

Vet: Take advantage of cool spell for pets

Posted Aug 10, 2024 10:00 AM

Hutch Post

Erica Miller, DVM with Apple Lane Animal Hospital encourages pet owners to get outside with their pets while the weather is more bearable for everyone.

"A lot of it's not having the stress of the heat before, just like us, right?," Miller said. "The relief of having a little bit of cool after it being so hot in the hundreds is definitely helpful for our pets, and I'm sure just like us, they tend to love this weather where we're not freezing cold yet, and we're not scorching hot, so wonderful weather, perfect time."

If your pet has been somewhat lethargic in the heat, take advantage of their extra energy.

"I get a lot of those people coming in with pets that yearly exams, and maybe we've gained a little weight from the year before, and sometimes I hear, well, it's just been so hot, we haven't been able to walk or exercise as much. Well, this is the perfect weather for more exercise."

Make sure to keep pets properly hydrated for the activity level, though, even when taking them out when it's cooler, so that the exertion is something they enjoy and not dread.